Franchisee - Profile of qualification

Basically ICEZEIT is looking for franchisees with a qualification in similar business fields such as gelataria, coffee shops, bakeries, restaurants and distributors of similar goods in the food & beverage sector.


Requirement profile:

  • Very good knowledge of the domestic market in this business field
  • Solid financial basis to produce, launch and promote a new product
  • Knowledge of distribution structures, retail, financial market, food & beverage business


Whenever ICEZEIT is approached, she will take it seriously and get in touch with the interested party.


Trust is a very valuable part of a joint business, but in the end franchisees or investors also have to bring a considerable amount of money to start an ice cream business.

For more information, see System Protection.


In the end, everything revolves around the passion for ice cream and the knowledge of how to bring the product to market. 

Target group

  • Business developers who have proven themselves in the above-mentioned areas and want to expand their portfolio
  • Owners of chains who want to significantly improve their quality, market presence, work processes and profitability through new approaches.
  • Newcomers who want to establish a strong new brand in their home market

Selection process

ICEZEIT INTERNATIONAL will contact the partner via various communication channels and will meet at the given time primarily in the respective country.


The partner must have the following certificates or qualifications and must also present them in a binding form:


  • Proof of a business model which seems suitable to open a new market with ICEZEIT (detailed business plan)
  • Proof of a market analysis in the same line of business
  • Complete positive evaluation of the questionnaire of ICEZEIT INTERNATIONAL GmbH
  • Proof of financial possibilities for the implementation of the business plan
  • Proof of suitable business locations
  • Plan for expansion in the respective target market
  • Timetable for the development of the brand
  • Plan for trademark protection of ICEZEIT in the country
  • Presentation of a suitable consultant for the legally binding handling of franchise transactions in the target country.

At the end of this selection process, a franchise contract with ICEZEIT International may be signed.



A business plan must meet at least the following requirements:


  • Planned business structure
  • Persons involved
  • Definition of business objectives 
  • Budget
  • Distribution structure
  • Marketing and Sales Plan
  • Timetable


ICEZEIT INTERNATIONAL GMBH takes over certain agendas of partner management:


  • Preliminary discussions
  • Market studies
  • Review of business plans
  • Drafting and signing of the contract
  • Relationship management with international distributors
  • Ensuring the availability of international products
  • Further development of products and recipes
  • International marketing activities including websites and social media
  • International brand development
  • Trademark protection
  • Assistance with sales and settlement systems (order app / customer app)


Advisory board

ICEZEIT INTERNATIONAL has an advisory board of international experts in the ice cream business for any disputes in the field of franchise partners.


Expansion targets are set by ICEZEIT INTERNATIONAL and gradually communicated to the franchise partners.